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BC/AB Regional Run (based in Calgary or Vancouver/Lower Mainland)

We are currently looking for company drivers or owner operators based in Calgary or in Vancouver/Lower Mainland to run between Calgary and Vancouver. Drivers typically load in Balzac, Alberta in the evening with a few deliveries on route to Vancouver in the BC interior late night or early morning. Trips from Vancouver back to Calgary do not involve deliveries on route so they don't need to run exclusively at night. 
We require two years of verified mountain driving experience with a clean safety and compliance history. 
Ask us about our sign on bonus!


BC/AB Regional Sicamous Run (Vancouver-based and Calgary-based)

We are currently looking for 2 company drivers for a Sicamous switch run - 1 based out of Calgary and 1 based out of Vancouver. Drivers meet at Sicamous for switch. There are no deliveries on route and driving is done primarily during daytime hours. 
We require two years of verified mountain driving experience with a clean safety and compliance history.

AB LCV HWY 2 Run (Edmonton-based and Calgary-based)

We are currently looking 1 company driver or owner operator based out of Edmonton and 1 company driver or owner operator based out of Calgary to run LCV or Turnpikes on Highway 2, based out of Edmonton. There are sometimes deliveries in Red Deer. We require 2 years of experience with a spotless safety and compliance history. Eligible drivers must have zero tickets, violations, accidents, or failed inspections. We provide and pay for LCV certification training. If you are interested, pleaes contact Randi.


Midwestern USA, Eastern Canada, Western Canada Run (can be based in Vancouver, AB, SK or MB)

We are currently looking for company drivers or owner operators living in Vancouver (or lower mainland), Alberta, Saskatchewan, or Manitoba to run a triangle primarily between Midwestern USA, Eastern Canada, and Western Canada. Drivers can expect to be on the road for 12/14 days.  We require 2 years of experience with a clean safety and compliance history. We will provide USA training for drivers who have not worked in the United States previously. If you are interested, please contact the driver recruiter in your region.


Midwestern USA, Eastern Canada, Western Canada Run (teams based in Vancouver, AB, SK or MB)

We are looking for company drivers or owner operator teams living in Vancouver (or lower mainland), Alberta, Saskatchewan, or Manitoba to run from Western Canada to Texas up to Eastern Canada and back to Western Canada. We require 2 years of experience with a clean safety and compliance history. If you are interested, please contact the driver recruiter in your region.


Single Midwest Triangle (based in Manitoba)

We have an opportunity for company drivers or owner operators living in Manitoba to run a triangel from Manitoba to Midwest USA to Eastern Canada back to Manitoba. Drivers should expect to be on the road for 7/8 days. We require 2 years of experience with a clean safety and compliance history. We will provide USA training for drivers who have not worked in the United States previously. Please contact Steve for more information.


Single Midwest Regional (Based in Manitoba)

We are looking for company drivers or owner operators living in Manitoba to run to Midwest USA (Minnesota, Wisconsin, Michigan, Illinois, Iowa, Missouri) then back to Manitoba. Drivers should expect to be on the road for 3 to 4 days. We require 2 years of experience with a clean safety and compliance history. We will provide USA training for drivers who have not worked in the United States previously. Please contact Steve for more information.


CanXpress (Can be based in Vancouver / Lower Mainland, AB or SK)

We have an opportunity for company drivers or owner operator teams or singles based out of Vancouver (ow lower mainland), Alberta, or Saskatchewan. Runs will tyically involve taking meat loads to Northern California and then bring produce back to Alberta. Seasonal produce demands require that these loads come from Arizona and New Mexico when produce is slow in California. If you are interested, please contact the driver recruiter in your area.


With many years of experience in the transportation industry, we know the barriers that prevent many good drivers from becoming owner operators. Whether it is financing, lack of capital or bad credit, we want to help qualified candidates take the next step in their careers.

If you are a Canada/USA company driver looking to take the next step in your trucking career, you may qualify for the TransX Truck Leasing Program. Our leasing program will help ensure your success by providing the training, support and mentorship you need, prior to implementation and after, for the duration of the lease period.

Truck Leasing Program Eligibility

  • Internal applicants must have a proven track record as confirmed by Operations and deemed a low safety and compliance risk by the Safety Department
  • External applicants must meet all of our hiring criteria. Our hiring standards will not be lowered to attract leased operators.
  • All applicants must be willing to run in Canada and in the United States, work 24 days per month and be away from home for up to 12 - 14 days per trip.
  • All applicants must also participate in a Business Skills for Owner Operators seminar presented by TransX (at no cost to the owner operator).
  • All applicants must be approved by the Manager, Lease Operations.


Probationary Period

  • All applicants will be assigned a new tractor.
  • The applicant must work as a company driver for 90 days in the new tractor.
  • The applicant must record financial results as though they were owner operators.
  • The monthly financial results will be reviewed by the Manager, Lease Operations every 30 days (miles, revenue and expenses).
  • After 90 days, if everything is satisfactory and approved by the Manager, Lease Operations, the applicant will sign a lease for 48 months or 480,000 miles.


With the TransX Leasing Program, you will enjoy:

  • Zero down payment and no security deposit required
  • 24-hour maintenance support and pricing programs anywhere in North America
  • Fuel pricing and rebate programs anywhere in North America
  • Paid licensing, fleet insurance, WCB, heavy use tax, tolls/bridges/scales
  • Satellite and electronic logs supplied and installed at no cost to you
  • Industry-leading pay packages
  • Peace of mind working with one of Canada's Best Managed Companies!

If you are interested in learning more about our Tractor Leasing Program, please contact us by phone at 1-877-787-2679 or apply online.  You can also contact any of our recruiters for assistance.


apply now to transx


If trucking is the lifestyle for you, then let's start driving your career and connect with our Recruiters today!

Our drivers have the flexibility to choose the type of truck driving work they want, and where they want to run - a tremendous benefit considering the number of options available through the entire TransX Group of Companies.

These include:

  • Long Haul
  • Short Haul
  • City / Local
  • Flatbed / Deck
  • Owner Operator
  • Lease Operator
  • Company Driver
  • Single / Team Driving

If you are interested in finding out current available TransX jobs, submit your application by clicking on the button below.  We look forward to working with you!



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About the CanXpress Division

Canxpress is a division of the TransX Group of Companies established in 2004, and services a variety of customers in need of refrigerated transport between Alberta and California. With 40 trucks in operation, most loads are drop and hook, with some requiring a few pickups.

Canxpress is looking to expand its fleet with new company drivers; teams or single drivers to meet the growing demand of our customers. Lanes are from Red Deer, High River or Brooks, Alberta to a variety of destinations all over California, Arizona and New Mexico. Drivers from B.C. are encouraged to apply.

Drivers can count on 24/7 support from our team of planners, fleet managers and dispatchers both in Alberta and Winnipeg.

Company drivers can expect to run at least 10,000 miles per month, and enjoy a consistent, dependable workload with quality home time. Teams who log 17,000+ miles qualify for a bonus.